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Frequently asked questions

Where are these product shipped from?

These products are here in the U.S ready to be shipped to your home. Our company is located in Wellington/FL, but together with Amazon they are distributed all over the U.S so you can receive them as soon as possible.

Buying products online is so practical and you can do from the comfort of your home! Since we know you are only 100% sure about the perfect fit after you try the shoes on for a few minutes, if the size is not perfect or if you simply are not happy with the product (we doubt that this will happen, but we will be happy to help you if that is the case) you can return the product for an exchange or refund.


The policy of returns/exchanges can vary depending on where you purchase them from so you can check it out before and after you purchase the products, but if you have any questions feel free to contact us!


Can’t find my size, what should I do?

STICKY non-slip shoes are available in many sizes, (from 5 to 11 for women and 8 to 17 for men). If you can’t find your size this can mean one of two things:

1- We are momentarily out of stock of this specific product (size and color). We are constantly restocking these products so if they are out of stock it means we will soon receive a new batch, so sit tight because soon they will be available again for you.

2- The shoes are not made in all sizes, so some sizes are not available for purchase at the moment. Between 5 to 11 ( women sizes) we have them available in 5, 5.5, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 9.5, 10.5 and 11. If you usually wear a size that is not available, we recommend you to order them in half size smaller if you have narrow/regular feet and half size bigger if you have wide feet.


How can I choose my size?

These shoes are considered true to size for most customers, so we recommend you to order them in your usual size. If the shoes are not made in your exact size we recommend you to order them half size smaller for women sizes and half size bigger for men sizes.


How do the sizes run?

These shoes run true to size for women sizes and run small for men sizes.


Are they noisy on cement?

No. STICKY Non-slip shoes don't have a hard heel, so they are not noisy on cement.


I have wide feet and since there’s no wide option how’s the fit? Are these roomy enough?

Since the material is very flexible, we received reviews from several customers with wide feet who are able to wear them without losing its comfort.


How can I wash them?

You can hand wash them or use the washing machine. Regular soap and water will work just fine.


Can you use bleach to wipe the shoe?

Yes, you can. The bleach will not interfere with the color or quality of the material.


Is there any warranty?

Yes. Our company offers a 90-day warranty for manufacturing defects. But if you have any problems after that, please get in touch with us, our team will try to help you as much as we can.


What are they made of?

They are made of a synthetic material called Thermoplastic elastomer. The material is 100% vegan and it feels like a high quality rubber.


Are they heavy?

No, they are extremely lightweight and comfortable, so they are recommended for long shifts and long standing hours.


Can you put inserts in these shoes or are they flat feet friendly?

They are considered medium arch, so if you have flat feet  you can add insoles with high arch to make them perfect for you.


Do these shoes make you taller? Do they have heels?

The design of the heels are made to increase your comfort, not your height, so the heels are about 1.00".


How high is the heel?

The heels are about 1.00".


Does it have a high arch?

They are considered medium arch, perfect for most feet shapes.


Do you wear socks with these shoes?

Yes, we recommend wearing them with socks to achieve maximum comfort.


Can these be washed in a washing machine?

Yes, they can!


Are they oil resistant?

Yes they are, the sole has a strong grip to prevent falls and the material is also oil resistant.


Can you wear this at a restaurant, for servers or are they only for nurses?

They are made for all professionals who have to stand on their feet all day long and also need non slip shoes.


Do these shoes hurt your feet after a 12 hour or more work day?

These shoes are reviewed as 5 stars for more than 500 customers on Amazon (most of them nurses and professionals who have to stand on their feet all day long), so they are great for long shifts.


Are they good for standing a lot of the day?

Yes, they are recommended for this kind of routine. 


Do they squeak on hospital floors? Not carpet but like wood vinyl?

We have never received any complaints about that, so they are considered noiseless shoes.


Are the whites easy to clean/bleach? Will they turn yellow over time?

They are very easy to clean and since the material is waterproof stains are not very comum, so the color should be fine, even over time.


Are they flexible?

Yes, they have a good structure and at the same time are flexible enough to adapt to the shape of your feet.

If you have more questions, please, get in touch with us!

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